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Testing AP/IB

AP Exam and IB Exam Information

Exam Day information


Bring an ID to every EXAM!


MWHS IB and AP Exam Schedule with rooms and times



College Board AP Exam Schedule-See Admin 1 unless you have been told an alternate date


IB Exam Schedule-




Listed exam times are when exams begin. This does not include preparatory activities such as distributing materials, answering documents, checking calculators, etc.



General AP and IB Exam Information




AP and IB-AM. Exam Information



You need to arrive to the A.M. exam by 7:15 A.M.


We want to begin exams promptly at 8:00 so it is imperative that you arrive by 7:15 A.M.


Morning exams begin at 8:00 A.M.






IB and AP P.M. Exam Information



If you are taking a P.M. exam report to lunch at 11:00 A.M.


Tell your teacher you have an exam. They will have a list of students that are taking exams that day.


Report to the exam room by 11:30 A.M.


Afternoon exams will begin promptly at 12:00 P.M.


If you ride a bus you need to make arrangements for transportation if your exam will last after 2:25. Most afternoon exams will end after 2:25 P.M.




  • Going to the restroom during the examination is not recommended. If a restroom break becomes necessary, students need to be aware that no extra time will be given for the exam. 
  • Electronic devices are not permitted at any time during the examination. This would include cell phones, smartwatches, and any portable computer devices. Cell phones will need to be completely turned off during the examination. These all must be stored in your backpack. 
  • Bring your own calculator to any exam that a calculator is authorized.
  • Students must enter the testing room quietly
  • Bags, backpacks, and purses will have a designated place for keeping while examinations are taking place. This will likely be in the front or back of the room. 
  • Students need to be aware the MWHS dress code applies during IB exams.



IB Exam Testers

  • Unlike AP, IB does not offer makeup exams. If you miss the exam, you’ve missed your opportunity to take the exam. The next testing opportunity will be either in November 2022 or May 2023.
  • IB students are allowed to leave the examination room once they have completed their exam unless the time is within the first hour or the last 15 minutes of the exam.
  • If you are unable to be at school to take your exam for any reason, please contact Carrie Faltysek or Courtney Vacarro.
  • All IB exams are written in blue or black ink. Gel pens of any color are not permitted. Pencils are only used on Paper 1 of science exams, and or used for graphs, diagrams, or charts. 


 Hello AP Testers!


All that is necessary to prepare you for your exam day is accessible online. Below you will find a number of links with helpful information. As a tester, there are many things you need to be aware of, but one we’d like to especially impress upon you is DO NOT BE LATE to your exam.  


Necessary Information to Access


The one thing you MUST read is the AP Exam Terms and Conditions as you will sign a statement when you take your exam that states you have done so. This replaces the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents that was issued with previous examination sessions.  AP Exam Terms and Conditions 


In addition to the AP Exam Terms and Conditions, students should familiarize themselves with the AP Exam Calculator PolicyWhat to Bring on Exam Day, as well as any other relevant information from the AP Exam Policies and Guidelines


Your testing schedule and just about everything else can be found by accessing your College Board account. The internal school calendar is listed below. Please follow it accordingly and pay special attention to when to report for exams. 


Time and Location


Below is the combined AP/IB Exam Schedule. Please take note of the arrival time for both AM and PM tests. Some morning exams may unexpectedly take longer than anticipated which will delay the beginning of afternoon exams. Please be patient if this is the case. Locations are subject to change and will be communicated beforehand if necessary.


The duration of exams listed below are of the actual exam itself and does not include check-in, instructions, breaks, or post-exam collection of materials.


  • AP students are not allowed to leave the examination room once they have completed their exam. 


And, of course, DO NOT BE LATE to your exam. 


Link to AP and IB Exam Schedule


apib exam registration